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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce price filter

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  • Steve Ballard


    I’m having an issue with my slider price filter. It seems to work great on the surface, however:

    When you go into a product category or filter down by an attribute it shows the price filter from lowest price on the entire site to highest price on the entire site.

    Not the lowest to highest of what is on the current page – which is what I want.

    I have auto detect on which I though would handle this, but I guess I’m doing something wrong.

    How should I go about this?

    Here are my settings:


    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Ballard


    I’ve just tried to update it by doing the following (please let me know if I’ve done anything wrong):

    • downloaded and extracted plugin from google drive link you provided
    • deleted /wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro
    • uploaded new search-filter-pro folder (not zip) to /wp-content/plugins

    Unfortunately the price slider is still doing the same thing.

    The only change I can see it has made is that the filters are now not relevant to the product category they are on. It shows my “colour” attribute for example, but if I click one of the colours inside “washing machines” it will bring back a kettle now (or anything that is that colour).

    The only thing I done after I noticed this happening is click the “rebuild cache” button, which didn’t seem to change anything. I’ve not changed any settings.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Ballard
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Steve Ballard
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Can you test it now? I altered the Ajax Container from #contents to .products

    Steve Ballard

    Still getting both problems on my end, what’s it doing for you?

    It looks to me like when you select an attribute to filter by it changes the URL to /shop and filters there, instead of filtering the product category it was on.

    Just to clarify, this is a new issue that come with installing the new version of search and filter pro. The original issue was the price slider not showing the prices available to the current category (it was showing from lowest to highest on the whole store inside washing machines for example)

    Trevor Moderator

    Can you give me an example of a taxonomy page it does this on (BTW, I just made a change to the form that I think was causing this, so it might now work)?

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