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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce filter, price slider, and currency

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  • giovanni de carlo


    the filter work great with hierarchical attribute on woocommerce, thanks, only asking if there is a way to display currency symbol that reflect the current currency that a user choose? (i m talking about wpml with multi currency support, that with the woo commerce filter, when a user change currency the symbol also change)

    i was thinking on building two filter, one with the price slider and one symbol, and the other with another, and with some condition display one or the other widget based on current currency.

    Hope i explain in some way, well



    Ross Moderator

    Hey Giovanni

    I’m not too familiar with multiple currencies WooCommerce however I have done extensive testing with WPML.

    If you are using a single currency per language then it would be quite straight forward to set up I think.

    In WPML head to – Translation Management -> Multilingual Content Setup -> Custom Posts enable translations for “Search & Filter”.

    Then in the Search & Filter admin screen, you will find your existing search forms in your default language. Edit a Search Form.

    On the right in the Language meta box, you should duplicate the form for each language you need it in. Then, edit these translations and make sure you select “translate independently”.

    Now you can go in and change all the text in the search form, including the currency symbol for each language.

    The only drawback is that the translations are no longer synced with the primary language, so if you wish add or remove fields from the UI for example, you must do so to each form manually.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Giovanni

    I’ve created a step by step on how to setup Search & Filter with WPML which elaborates on the above:


    giovanni de carlo

    Hello Ross, thanks for your quick response!

    anyway, i am on the other situation, using Woocommerce with wpml with one language, two currency.

    so, i have only a currency switcher, and the website is in english.

    when you switch from one currency to other, the price on products change with correct symbol, and with default for example, woo commerce price filter widget, it change the currency.

    in this case, where your plugin allow to insert the symbol, the only way i m thinking is with some way of conditional widget, where i show one or the other widget, accordly to currency, and i build two search form, identical, with the currency set up on each one. I only can-t find around if wpml give this kind of support of checking condition for currency on widget, like it do for language like this


    Thanks for the guide for multi language form!


    Ross Moderator

    Ah cool, yes I think this is what you must do – woocommerce must have a way to get the current currency, and of course then you should conditionally load custom search forms depending on this setting.

    RE the multi language guide – this is something I’ve been meaning to add for a while and your post spurred me on to write it 😉


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