Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro woocommerce featured product

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  • Anonymous

    I want to sort woocommerce products in which the featured products will always be the first on the search results. I tried the default sort to be ‘meta value’ as default sorting with meta key as ‘wpcs_product_featured’. However it does not product any results. it’s supposed to have 2 featured products on top of search results.

    I got taxonomy filtering on the search do you think that is the issue?

    I have this search page I reverted back for now the default sorting to date.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Not helpful looking through the forum when most of the solutions are ‘marked as private’.


    Private replies rarely contain the solution, but instead contain private stuff, like development URLs, logins or requests for logins.

    It would be best if you opened a ticket on our new support system, if you have not already.


    Yeah that’s pretty obvious, but in this case it would still be nice if someone bothered to come back to the thread and mention what the issue was, otherwise it kind of defeats the point of an open community forum and becomes more of a private ticketing system.


    The OP did not engage or reply to my request for more details, and thus the thread was not flagged for a follow up. We are not currently using these forums, as I said, but a ticket based system. We will open these forums to community discussion after we release V3 of our plugin (in a few months), but probably without the level of support input we used to have (so, no private posts). We realised that many topics ended with no OP follow up, which is why we took the decision to change the way we handle user interaction. Mixing a community forum and site specific support was not a good fit for most users.


    Got it, thank you.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)