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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WooCommerce category not being retained when filtering within category page

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  • Christian


    When interacting with the WooCommerce Shop S&F on my category pages, the results that are then displayed ignore the category page that you’re on.

    For example if I visit the [link redacted] the results are correct on page load, but then if I go to choose say the ‘Long Wigs’ attribute term within the ‘Length’ attribute, the results then show ALL products with the ‘Long Wigs’ attribute term, not just those within the ‘Children’s Wigs’ category, as is evident by the URL strings.

    How do I resolve this?

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Maybe add a custom taxonomy to products, maybe call it Hide from Search or whatever, and then make a meta key tin that to use in the Tags, categories and Taxonomies settings as an exclude line?


    Hi Trevor, thanks for the suggestion solution. Looking at the code I could actually just hide all the li’s with CSS, and then just reveal the ones I need showing just for the accessories category page.

    Thanks for your help with resolving this.

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