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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce and dynamic attribute filtering

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  • Duncan Arrow

    I’ve got an SF Pro free text search field and 4 taxonomy widgets on the same form.

    When the results display in the Woocommerce shop, is it possible for the number of taxonomy terms to dynamically refresh based on the search results currently visible.

    It’s currently a bit confusing and misleading as it looks like the terms available and the number of products for each term (display count) are valid for every search result, even if they’re not.


    Trevor Moderator

    I am not certain it will do as you want, but on the General settings tab:

    Set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty to ON

    Duncan Arrow

    Perfect – that’s exactly it!! 🙂

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