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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Widget no longer works in V 1.2.2

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  • Pamella Neely


    I had a fully functional widget and filter working on my site until the recent updates. Right now I’m using V 1.2.2 and have not made any changes to the widget or the filter since the updates.

    When I try to select anything in the widget, all that shows is a blog post. Same post, over and over again. Before, the filter was showing a nice grid of some custom post types with their featured images. The url after I choose something in the widget is

    This is a good page to test the widget from:
    It’s in the right nav column about half way down on the page.

    How do I get this working again?

    Thanks for your help!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Pamella will look at this tonight and hopefully have a solution by tomorrow! The new update really shouldn’t break anything 🙁

    Pamella Neely

    What’s the status on this? The filter is still broken – it shows the blog main page any time someone uses the filter. The filter had been working before your last two updates – I still have not made any changes to the filter since those updates.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Pamella, I’m still looking in to this, I will need to do another plugin update to get this working, shall I send you a previous version of the plugin so that it will at least be operational while I work on the fixes?


    Pamella Neely

    Yes, please send me a previous version.

    Thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Pamella

    This has been resent 🙂 I had to send from my hotmail as I’m not at my computer right now – I sent v1.1.8.


    Chris Lambert
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Sent 🙂

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