Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro When I use the search box, only the title is found. Why?

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  • Anonymous

    When I use the search box, only the title is found. Why? I would like to search in the results not only by title, but also by content. So also custom fields.


    The Search & Filter Pro Text Search field uses the standard WordPress search, so looks only in the Post Title and Content, and in only their ‘standard’ way. To help you control this better, on the form’s Advanced settings tab you will see 2 settings for Relevanssi (one of which is Relevance).

    The documentation for this is here:

    You would need to install and activate the free Relevanssi plugin as well.

    Then set Relevanssi up and build its index (make sure it is indexing the desired post types, custom fields AND any taxonomy that you want to search).

    Be aware that if you built the post contents using a page builder, the post content might be inside shortcodes, and so not normally visible to searches. If this is the case, there is a Relevanssi option to expand shortcodes, which might work around that. But, you might also need to have manual excerpts entered for each post.


    Wooooooow. A Game Changer. thanks so much! Amazing support!!


    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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