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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Want one category to show at bottom of list


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  • NexTec Marketing

    How do I set one category to show up at the bottom of the list?
    Category 1
    Category 2
    Category 3
    Category 4

    Want Category 2 to be at the bottom of the list.

    NexTec Marketing

    This is for Search and Filter Pro

    Trevor Moderator

    Other than writing custom javascript (and that will in turn cause an issue with Ajax refreshes of the page), what you want is not currently possible. However, thinking laterally for a moment, does the data you hold in category HAVE to be a taxonomy? Could it instead be a custom field? Because, with custom fields you have other ways you can order the options (including making a manual list if the options are unlikely to change). The question of which to use depends on whether the site user is going to add more choice values.

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