Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Visual Composer Scroll to:

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there, firstly I love this plugin – great job!

    I am using the visual composer post grid which is working very well however when I input a search the refresh always take me to the top of the page which is a pain. I am not using a submit button.

    I have tried all of the settings in the Display Results – Scroll Window To options but nothing seems to work. I want the refresh to take the user to the results section.

    Can you help?



    This is not a feature of our addon for Visual Composer. Visual Composer (AKA Page Builder) controls such things. I do not know if we can add it as an option in a future version of our addon. If you wish, I can make this a feature request?

    I assume that you are using Ajax to refresh the page?


    I have tried with and without Ajax. I wonder if the custom selector can be used by adding it to a container ID in VC? Do you think that could work?



    It is worth a try. But I do not know if it would work.

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