Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Version upgrade broke everything


  • This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    Hi Ross
    Remember me – the KidsandMedia site??!
    We just upgraded to the lasts version and lost all our searches.
    I’m trying to rebuild the searches, but something’s wrong. I can get the search working, but the display’s wrong. I can get the display right, but the search doesn’t work.
    Can you please help?
    I can set you up with an admin account if you email me.
    Best Wishes
    No 1 fan

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Robert

    Likely your error will solved by following this: 🙂

    Its probably worth checking out the dev notes in case you have any custom code too.



    Hi Ross,

    same here!

    It seems like there have been same major css changes within 2.* versions. I just upgraded from 2.0.3 to 2.1.2.

    Now my filter is a little messed up cause measurements of filter elements changed. As I use mainly select fields one culprit seems to be the following class: .searchandfilter select.sf-input-select.
    That’s kind of hard for me to overwrite even when using !important in my css.
    Specificity going on here. 😉

    So I had to revert to 2.0.3 for now.

    Cheers Georg


    Seems like I found the culprit, at least in my case.

    There has been a new label-tag added around each filter element. Since label doesn’t have any classes whatsoever it is kind hard to style elements within search form differently.

    Any particular reason for adding that label-tag?



    Ross Moderator

    Hey Georg

    We added the label to make S&F WCAG 2.0 compliant (this was only around text input fields and select/dropdown fields).

    To target this just use the following css:

    .searchandfilter li[data-sf-field-input-type="select"] label

    And for the search field:

    .searchandfilter li[data-sf-field-type="search"] label
        /* do stuff */

    Any more questions please open a new ticket or add to your open one, I’m guessing if the issues here may be different to Roberts.



    Thanks! I used .searchandfilter label {} and .sf-field-search label {}.


    Hi Ross
    I re-installeed S&F according to the instructions.
    I created a test search, sending the results to a shortcake.
    I set up the target page url.
    On searching, the page refreshed and I was in the target results page, BUT the page displayed ALL the posts, not the search results subset.
    Can you please advise?


    Hi Ross
    I re-installeed S&F according to the instructions.
    I created a test search, sending the results to a shortcode.
    I set up the target page url.
    On searching, the page refreshed and I was in the target results page, BUT the page displayed ALL the posts, not the search results subset.
    Can you please advise?

    Ross Moderator
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