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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Variations not showing in filter


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 16 total)
  • Eric Langenskiöld

    I am using a plugin called WooCommerce Show Single Variations to show all product variations in product category page.

    I see the plugin support variations and I checked that product and variations in Search in the following post types: , but still the filter not finding any products.

    Any help please.


    Eric Langenskiöld

    I just want to add one more thing, I tested Search & Filter Version 1.2.9 (Free version) and its working fine , so its a bit strange its not working with S&F pro.

    Looking forward to hear from you,

    Eric Langenskiöld

    I hope we will get answer here… Thanks

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Eric

    I’m afraid we’re not open on weekends!

    RE your issue, what happens when you disable that plugin and use Search & Filter?

    Do you have a link I could look at?


    Eric Langenskiöld

    Hi, I don’t have link coz I am still working locally. I think the filter can not find the variations for single product. I will try to make it live so you can check it.

    Eric Langenskiöld

    Could you give me email so I can send you the url , I cant publish it public and it has username and password.


    Trevor Moderator

    You can make a post private at the bottom of the post box. Only Ross, I and you can then see it then? Or do you wish for Ross to reply?

    Eric Langenskiöld
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Eric Langenskiöld

    Anything new .?


    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Eric

    Ross is a bit busy right now.

    What display method are you using?

    Are you using a normal theme or theme framework?

    Which one?

    Having asked all this, it might be easier if I had temporary access as an admin (private message only).


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