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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Using the same filter on multiple URLs

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  • Stanislav Sklenka

    I am using Elementor and Woocommerce and your plugin for combining Elementor with S&F Pro. I am using your plugin to filter products in product categories. What if I want to use the same filter in 10 different product categories? A typical example of this would be a price filter. The plugin is asking me to provide the URL of the results page, but each category has a unique URL.

    Does this mean I have to create a separate filter for each category? This would mean creating 10 identical filters, which is a lot of work.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using Elementor Pro, you need to use our extension for it, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    Note towards the end of that guide, which shows how you can set the form to WooCommerce Shop.

    Make sure that Product Category is in the form (even if you use CSS to hide it), and …

    1. Set autodetect category/taxonomy:

    2. And also set ‘Enable filtering on Taxonomy Archives’:

    Then you can use the same form on all category pages.

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