Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Using S&F Pro with Page Caching plugin?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    I’m looking into using a page caching plugin on my site but I have notice that it doesn’t cache the posts that have been generate using a S&F search. Is there a way to make page caching work with search results (archives) and posts found using the S&F plugin?

    I was wondering if its because S&F generates a post with the slug…

    instead of…


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alex

    This could be the reason.

    I haven’t actually tested with any caching plugins like this.

    Perhaps using the shortcode display method might allow the pages to be cached, just an idea.



    For everyone’s info, I’ve done a bit of research into this and yes, the problem is that most of the caching plugins don’t cache GET queries with ?x=y.

    I tried them all and found that there is only one that provides an option to include GET queries and that was WP Super Cache which works great with S&F Pro!

    Ross Moderator

    Fantastic thanks for checking out and getting back 🙂

    I’ll have to dive in and have a look and see for myself!



    Another very good caching plugin, which can exclude ?_sft_ pages from cache is ZenCache –

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