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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Using plugin on multisite with custom post


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  • Shaan Nicol

    I have a multisite website (10 sites) that have a custom post type called members…. on the main website. I want to display the members from the other websites. here is how I set it up

    On subsite 1, I need to display the custom post type MEMBERS on subsite 2, I created a form on subsite 2 and chose the shortcode display method, I indicated that the results should display in

    [searchandfilter id="2"]
    [searchandfilter id="2" show="results"]

    then on functions.php of subsite-1, I created a function that calls the shortcode created/from subsite-2 like this

    // Add Shortcode
    function view_mems() {
    	switch_to_blog( 2 );
    		$output = do_shortcode('[searchandfilter id="2"]');
    		return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'viewme', 'view_mems' );
    // Add Shortcode
    function list_mems() {
    	switch_to_blog( 2 );
    		$output = do_shortcode('[searchandfilter id="2" show="results"]');
    		return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'listme', 'list_mems' );

    On, I then used the shortcodes/function above to display the forms from subsite-2, this works all fine, pagination works and displays the posts BUT the search form doesn’t work with or without ajax enabled, if you click submit, it just reloads the page and doesn’t do a search.

    Trevor Moderator

    Our search creates cache tables for each site on the multisite, and within each site, does not look at the cache tables in another site, hence the search itself would not work.

    I will ask our developer, Ross, if there is any way to achieve what you want.

    Shaan Nicol

    Manually adding the search parameters like works perfectly too.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Shaan

    While we don’t support searching across multisites, I would have thought what you are trying to do might be possible (with switch_to_blog) at least to access another sites particular set of results.

    What I will say is, the search form is entirely submitted by Javascript, so I’m thinking, maybe on your subsite, you don’t have the S&F javascript loaded in the page head?


    Ross Moderator

    Also, in your main site Search Form, did you set the “results URL” to the results URL of your sub site?

    Shaan Nicol

    The main site also has a page that lists its own members, so there are 2 forms/pages on the main site: and, both have unique search forms. works as it should. The search form for this page is set to display the results to

    While the other search form, the form from the other website inside the multisite is set to display on, all JS are in wp_head

    Shaan Nicol

    Checked again…. found that did not have the S&F js.
    I added them manually and now everything works!!!

    Ross Moderator

    Great stuff, glad you got it working 🙂

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