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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Using multiple searches for Avada template


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  • Steve Jones

    I’ll try to explain this in the best way I can…

    I have taken over a project where the previous person used the Avada template.

    I have several custom post types set up for posts, mainly to make it easier for the client to separate their content. Also, so I can assign custom taxonomies and filter them effectively.

    My site has a number of pages with blog feeds that are using the Fusion CPT plugin to bring in the data based on custom post type.

    Now, the issue I am experiencing…

    I set up a search using the archive method because shortcode did not seem to be an option using the Fusion CPT plugin (Pulls in using CPT and no additional field to add shortcode).

    This seemed to produce the results I wanted and filtering the posts.

    I then decided to implement this on another blog feed. This time it filtered the content, but the page it redirected to seemed to default to the search categories that were setup for the first blog feed.

    Can the search function be used on multiple blog feeds? Do I need to set up multiple archive pages to get this to work? Am I using the correct method to get this working?

    I admit, this description may not be clear so if you need more details please let me know.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Jones
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Jones
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Jones
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Steve Jones
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    Trevor Moderator
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