Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Use of s&f with permalink rewrite

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  • Anonymous

    I use the plugin “Custom Post Type Permalinks” to give new permalinks to my posts like “” and the 1887 is a taxonomy-term and it works good.
    Is it possible to filter these posts with Search and filter?
    Thank you!


    Have you tried to do this? I would make a test using the shortcode method first:

    If that works OK, then look at the alternative methods if they might suit you better.


    Thank you for your answer.
    I already tried that and I only see some of the taxonomies and categories. It seems only one or 2 posts are in the cache of s&f. Now I find out that this problem is caused because i sort the posts by a metavalue in alphabetical order. When i sort by modified date all posts are shown now – great 🙂
    Now i sort by modified date and it works fine. It would better sorted by the matevalue, but it’s ok.

    The other issue: as i select more than one taxonomy or cat to filter with, screen over the posts and the filter gets grey and search&filter doesn’t do something anymore. Do have a solution for that?
    Thank you 🙂


    Oh, sorry I found the problem for second problem with the grey listing: It was my custom code of the results.php. With the standard code it works.


    I found out that the grey-problem appears when I replace<?php the_excerpt(); ?> with <?php the_content(); ?> I need the “<?php the_content(); ?>” function because there are shortcodes in the posts which i want to be executed and with the_excerpt that doesn’t work.

    The solution i found is to insert a function in the themes function.php that lets the shortcode execute in the_excerpt despite of all of that: `<?php
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘shortcode_unautop’);
    add_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘do_shortcode’);
    Thank you anyway! I hope my solution maybe helps some other users.

    But the problem with the sorting by meta_value persists. A value like “1986_02_064” is in every post as a value, and i want to sort by that. Is that possible? When i enable it in settings no posts are shown…
    And also it doesn’t recognise the category it is in when i view a post with the search&filter sidebar.(values in form not updated, only when i click through it with s&f)

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