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Forums Forums General Use license on staging site

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  • Celeste

    Hello, is it possible to use my license on a staging site and live site simultaneously? I test every update on my staging site first. The only way I can currently do this is to login to my account, download the plugin, and upload it via FTP every time an update is released.

    If this is not currently possible, would you consider it for a future release? Our site is on WPEngine, so it is easy to verify the staging URL.


    Trevor Moderator

    I will ask if this is possible (I am not sure that it is) and if it was, I do not think it would need a change in the plugin, but more the API to access the updates.

    I will refer this question to the developer, Ross.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Celeste

    At the moment it’s not possible.

    I like the idea, but currently I don’t see a way to implement this without adding a lot of host specific rules into our plugin code – and it would be still fairly inconsistent / unreliable – so unless I think of another approach for now I don’t plan to add it.

    My recommendation is to do it as you have been or upgrade to a dev license.

    I use staging sites also – what I do is register my plugins on staging and only update there. When finished, copy from staging to live.



    Okay, thanks for the input!

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