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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Use just for filters on custom post type archive

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  • Richard L McCollam II

    I just purchased this plugin yesterday and after some playing around with it I am wondering if what I want to do is possible, or if there is a way to set it up the way it needs to be.

    What I am trying to accomplish has to do with this page – It is an archive page for a custom post type. I want to add filters, from ACF fields, underneath the search form and update the results via ajax.

    Can this be added to my already existing code, or can I duplicate this page through the plugin somehow to achieve this?

    Hoping I can be pointed in the right direction here since I haven’t been able to figure it out so far.

    Trevor Moderator

    It probably can be done. What theme is it? It seems to be using masonry?

    Richard L McCollam II

    It’s a custom theme I am building. The archive page for recipes does use isotope to get the masonry type feel to it.

    I just need help understanding how to integrate the plugin on this page and get it to affect the results.

    Trevor Moderator

    Dos the template feed arguments to the wp_query, like this:

    Richard L McCollam II

    it uses the template naming of archive-cpt-name.php so I am not directly passing arguments through wp_query.

    I could just make it a custom page template where I run my own query where I can control the arguments passed through if need be.

    Trevor Moderator

    Indeed. At some point the template MUST be using wp_query, else how does it fetch the posts?

    I must admit that, on the one hand I admire the use of hand made templates (and the skill and hard work involved), but I can’t help but think it is a lot of hard work compared to buying a theme or theme framework.

    Richard L McCollam II

    I am pretty much wanting to duplicate this functionality (, but use the plugin to actually change the search query as oppose to hiding/showing posts with jqeury toggles.

    You can expand advanced search and then select a Cuisine to see the basic filtering happening now.

    Trevor Moderator

    Well, given that yuo have hand written this theme, you can add the form using the shortcode in php with a do_shortcode function and then you need a wp_query with the args and one of those can be the S&F form ID.

    Richard L McCollam II

    What specific argument is the form ID?

    Trevor Moderator

    Like this:

    $args = array(
      'post_type' => 'resources',
      'post_status' => 'publish',
      'posts_per_page' => '10',
      'search_filter_id' => '456'
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