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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro URL changes after search

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Francois menasse

    I was wondering if the is a way to disable the URL modification after a search :

    i’m on and I search GR20 using search and filter pro
    And then my URL will looks like :

    Is there a way to leave the URL unchanged after a search ?

    removing ?_sft_typederando=gr20

    I am using CSS filters with multiple forms on my page, and when that URL changes, everything is messed up !

    Please let me know 🙂

    I apologize for my english !

    Trevor Moderator

    The query string has to be in the URL to ‘send’ the search to the results form. We will change this in the next major release, V3, which we are coding right now, but is some months away.

    Francois menasse

    Hi Trevor,
    Thanks for you VERY FAST reply !

    Okay, i will try to find another way to display my results !
    Thanks !

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