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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Update to latest version failed

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  • Marion Golin


    My client currently has S&F pro version 1.4.3 of S&F pro. She has a valid license good through August 2017. She attempted to update and the update failed.

    I see on the forums there are two options to try. I can try to deactivate and reactivate the license. And/or I can try to upload the new version manually.

    My concern is that I saw in the forums some mention of the possibility that I may lose my search form. I would like to avoid that happening. Please advise. Also, do you anticipate that I may run into other problems with the update?



    Trevor Moderator

    PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF WORDPRESS BEFORE YOU PROCEED. I advise this as it is good practice before updating a site.

    I would first deactivate the license on the server and in the account here. It may take a while for this process to actually happen (maybe an hour). Check to make sure that has happened.

    I can confirm that if you have a version installed that is prior to S&F Pro v2.3.1, you should NOT delete the plugin from WP Admin, as doing so will delete your forms also. v2.3.1 onward does not have this issue. We are currently at v2.3.4.

    You need to do the update manually (after downloading the latest version from your account area):

    Manual installation instructions:

    1) Deactivate S&F Pro in WP Admin Plugins page (do NOT delete the plugin from within WP Admin Plugins page; otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP (or cpanel file manager if you have it), delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content\plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file that you have downloaded (if you are using cPanel File manager, you can upload the zip file and then extract it in the plugins folder).
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder to the wp-content\plugins folder on your server.
    5) Activate Search & Filter Pro in WP Admin Plugins page.
    6) Add the license key activate the license.

    Marion Golin


    I deactivated the license on the S&F and on WP. When I deactivated the plugin on WP my entire site disappeared (all the files were there but when I visited the URL I got a blank page and was unable to login of do anything on the site. I did a restore successfully but am unsure what to do now.

    I also tried deactivating the license and then just deleting the plugin via FTP without deactivating in WP dashboard. This cause the exact same problem.

    Any ideas?


    Trevor Moderator

    Deactivating a plugin should not cause the entire site to go blank. Something is seriously amiss with the WordPress setup if that happens. Does this happen if you switch the theme to a standard WP theme, like 2015?

    Marion Golin

    I agree it is very strange. Tp test your suggestion I will have to setup a staging site as I cannot change the theme on the live site.

    As I mentioned, the error also occurs if I just delete the folder via FTP.


    Trevor Moderator

    I will await the results of your testing.

    Marion Golin


    I created the staging server and determined that the problem was caused by a function in my child theme functions.php. Not sure why is was causing the problem but when I removed it all was working well. I also see that in the new version I can “exclude” categories in my search results so I don’t need this function anymore.

    Thanks – Marion

    /* filter search results and don’t show anything for category “archive” */
    function filter_results( $query )
    global $sf_form_data;
    global $wp_query;

    if ( $sf_form_data->is_valid_form() && $query->is_main_query() && !is_admin() )
    $query->set(‘cat’, ‘-26’); //you can use any query modifications from here –
    add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘filter_results’, 21 );

    Trevor Moderator

    Great to see you have it sorted then. Can I close this thread?

    Marion Golin

    Yes. Thanks!

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