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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Update on Parts Filter Challenge


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Salomon Acuña

    Hi there! I’m the guy trying to make the filter for the spare parts shop.

    I find this plugin: and I buy it. It works well, and the filter problem have been solved but the filter is not as good as yours and not as flexible too.

    I was wondering if maybe there is a way to integrate the functionality from that plugin into yours. I have explore a lot and I haven’t found that the plugin uses nor CPT or Custom Fields or Custom Taxonomies (that’s why I have not be able to integrate it with your plugin) but maybe if you take a look at it you can point me in the right direction.

    Trevor Moderator

    If you want to combine that plugin with ours, I am sorry, but that not be possible.

    I can see that you have raised issues before regarding getting this working, where you were having difficulties with getting it to work the way you wanted, and I didn’t see an obvious way for our plugin to do what you wanted/needed, in this thread I think:

    Salomon Acuña

    Maybe not combine it but that guy solve the problem of the complexity of filtering an inventory of the nature of a spare parts shop (several other retail business can have the same complexity). Maybe if you take a look at his approach you can point me in the right direction to make it work with your plugin (yours is better). I really think than adding this “functionality” to your plugin can be beneficial to other users too.

    If it’s not possible, no problem but I have to ask 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    I think what you are wanting will come with V3 of our plugin, which we are working hard towards, maybe in a couple of months.

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