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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Unable to create new search forms


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  • WordPress Administrator

    Hi, When I attempt to create a new search form, I am unable to drag any of the available fields into the Search Form UI area. It simply doesn’t work.

    We currently have Search and Filter Pro vers. 2.3.4 active. (We are also unable to update, but I’m going to create a separate ticket/discussion for that issue).

    Wordpress 4.7.5, Customizr Pro Theme.

    Up to now, everything’s been working fine, though I haven’t tried to create a new search form in at least 6 months, prior to previous updates.

    Can you help? Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    First, open the browser code inspector and look in the (javascript) console to see if there are any errors (not warnings).

    Second, start deactivating plugins to see if there are any conflicts in the plugins. The error you describe suggests that javascript has either failed to load or has stopped working due to a conflict/error.

    WordPress Administrator

    Okay. I found 2 javascript errors. I turned off all plugins except Search Pro, then turned them on one-by-one until I found the culprit – iThoughts Tooltips Glossary plugin. With all other plugins activated (except the Tooltips) I can drag and drop the search fields into the UI.

    There’s still 1 Javascript error: Unable to get property ‘hasClass’ of undefined or null reference. I don’t know what that means, having no knowledge of javascript.

    But I can now create search forms. I guess I have to decide which plugin is more important at this time.

    Thank you for your help 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    In the console are both warnings (in orange) and errors (in red). For the errors, on the right, if you hover over the link, it will show you the file it is from, and the location (folders) will give you a good idea where the problem is coming from.

    WordPress Administrator

    Thanks, Trevor. By following your instructions, I was able to quickly identify another plugin that was causing that specific problem. It only showed up when I was on the Edit Search form page. Thanks for your awesome help!

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