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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Umlauts doesn't work in IE

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  • appclouds

    Hi guys,

    we have a problem with umlauts in Search & Filter Pro. The plugin doesn’t show us results with umlauts. For example Münster or Düsseldorf. If we write Munster or Dusseldorf it works very well. The problem exist only in the d*** IE Explorer!


    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    There have been a few reports of problems with encoding characters in taxonomies – I’ve just emailed you a fix which has worked for 2 other users so far.

    I’ll be adding this into the next official plugin update – let me know if it works.

    Just to note, these issues this patch fixes weren’t browser specific.


    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, got it now.


    Dennis Drzosga

    I have the same problem, can you tell me the how can i fix it?

    King Regards

    Ross Moderator

    I believe there was a bug in the plugin and it was solved in a subsequent update.

    If you are having issues can you open a new ticket? Thanks

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