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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Two searchforms on one page


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  • Vanessa

    I have the following problem.
    I have a search form in the header and a taxonomy filter in the sidebar.
    Both have different IDs but are supposed to work together.
    When i put a “search word” into the search form the results are shown correctly.
    The taxonomy filter only shows the left results.
    Now comes the problem.
    When I click on the taxonomy filter the word in the search form disappears, the url changes and all posts which have the chosen taxonomy appear again. Ignoring the search word.

    I know it’s an url problem, because instead of adding the filter it changes the whole URL.

    Do I have the possibilty to show different parts of a search form with the same id on different areas on my wordpress theme. Or is there any possibilty that two searchforms with different ids work together?

    Trevor Moderator

    At the moment, what you are doing, as you have worked out, will not work, and two forms on the same page cannot ‘talk’ to each other.

    We are working on V3 (I am sorry, I do not have an ETA) and that allows one form on the page to be split in to parts, which is what you want.


    I accidentally found a workaround.
    I added a search form to my taxonomy filter.
    Both search forms communicate with each other.
    For example: I type “hello” into my header search form and “hello” is automatically added to the other search form. Therefore the taxonomy filter function works :). I then just put display: none on the second search form and ta-dah! it works :D.

    Trevor Moderator

    This will work as long as the form directs to another page.

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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