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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Two loop with different pagination in results

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  • flow


    In my template i want to show the results filtered :
    – one time to generate a google map all results without pagination
    – a second time in list with the pagination system

    There is a way to keep $query object for list and create a copy $query_map object (with a different ‘posts_per_page’ value) ?
    Maybe there is an other way more simple ?

    Thank you,

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Thanks for the info – I’m uploading an update atm but having some technical issues – I’ll get back to you once these are resolved and the update has gone live.



    Perfect !

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there, which method are you using to display your results? Using a “shortcode” or “as archive”?




    Ross Moderator

    Hey again, after having a think a little more on this, I don’t think there is a way to do what you want – because the posts_per_page value cannot be changed once the query has already run.

    The best thing to do would be to create another search form for this purpose.


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