Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Trouble With Results Showing Up+Infinite Scroll Or Page Numbers Not Working

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  • Anonymous

    Hi there,
    was curious if you guys could help with this. I have made sure I went through all of your documentation with WooCommerce and Elementor Pro (Both are being used here). My products are able to be searched when I am in the admin portal of the WordPress site I am using, but when I go to my live site, and I click show results, instead of taking me to my search results page, it takes me to my homepage on my site. I have checked the custom URL and I have the correct one.

    Secondly, I never can get more than 12 results on my page. I am sure I have done something wrong here, just don’t know what. I have tried both normal and infinite scroll and neither are showing results. I would like to screen shot video what is happening if that is possible.


    Ross Moderator
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