Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Trouble Setting Template Options Results URL

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  • Anonymous

    I have an existing S&F Pro installation and I am trying to view the results on a different page. When I overwrite the Template Options Results URL and then try to save, it reverts back to the URL I am trying to overwrite?


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    As an afterthought, do you know what the PHP environment variable:


    for your hosting is set to (if you do not know, a free plugin called Server Status by Littlebizzy will let you know)?

    By default most servers are set to 1000, which is often too low, and the symptoms are that changed or newly added settings are not saved. It also affects long menus in WordPress for the same reason.


    Hi Trevor

    I made a bit of progress – sort of! I am trying to implement S&F in Elementor Pro. I found your article telling me how to do this here:

    I was clearly going about things in the wrong way. HOWEVER, when I follow your instructions, when I try to set Display Results to Custom and enter the full URL of my target page, when I try to save the Search Form the ‘Display Results’ reverts back to As an Archive


    Did you make any progress on the max_input_vars question?


    Hi Trevor

    max_input_vars did the trick. It was set at 256

    Thank you for your help


    That is a very low number. Great to hear it is sorted now.

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