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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Translated taxonomies using Polylang will not filter

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  • Soccer NB

    Hello Trevor,

    Im using Polylang to manage an English/French website. We required to use Polylang due to a limitation in WPML, however its been so long I cant remember the details. Polylang allows us to translate categories and tags, and even though the translated tags show up correctly, they all indicate (0) posts associated with the tag, and the search result page will show all posts within that post type with no filter applied.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are the posts and the forms being translated?

    Soccer NB

    The posts are translated, but not the filter forms did not translate. Instead we duplicated the form and made modifications to the header labels and All Items labels for each language. We then use the different shortcode used for both the English and French pages where the search filter form resides.

    Trevor Moderator

    The forms must be translated, not duplicated, otherwise they will not switch with the language.

    Soccer NB
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    In the Post Types that are translated by Polylang (it has a settings page for this), are Search & Filter forms set to be translated?

    Soccer NB

    Ah, understood.

    Within Polylang, under Custom post types and Taxonomies, the Search & Filter custom post type was automatically created and is checked. The checkmark is greyed out and cannot be unchecked even.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Soccer NB

    Thanks Trevor, I will reach out to you again on Monday. Have a good weekend.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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