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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Translate "Submit" button using WPML

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  • Klaus-Dieter Weber
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi both

    Apologies for these problems…

    When I first started hte plugin I got it working with WPML after some testing with a user and myself.

    After this the plugin got complicated and somewhere along the lines it broke with WPML pretty badly.

    Since then WPML contacted me asking to test this plugin as they’ve had some users ask about compatibility.

    I sent them the files and worked on a demo site with them – and then they sent me an email saying everything was fine.

    In the end it looks like it wasn’t (but hoping it is now)…

    I’ve just added a fix for for the search form translations appearing automatically depending on what language you’ve selected – I believe now everything should be working (I’ve emailed you both).

    Thanks, and thanks for your patience!


    Javier Barquero
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Javier Barquero

    Hello Ross,

    I´m testing the new version and it works very well!

    Thank you very much!

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Ross, the minute after I wrote you the last email I figured out why it is still not working for me: It does not work with the “WPML Translation Management” plugin installed. With this up and running, only the title of the search form is identified as field for translation.

    I switched this module off now, and now I get a full duplicate of the form, that I can setup in English (German is my base language).

    So, this should be a workaround for me for the moment – I have to switch on WPML Translation Management again later, as it is needed for Woocommerce. Hope this does not break anything, I will let you know.

    It is a bit unusual though, that the form has to be setup from the scratch again in the second language, rather than just translated. However, if it finally works like that, it is fine for me…

    Thanks for the moment!

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    sadly it still does not work for me. I disabled WPML Translation Management for being able to “translate”, i.e. create new language version of the search form (is this normal that one has to setup a complete new copy of the form, or is already that not like it should be? It is in any case unusual).

    But in the final result only the content (of the dropdowns) is switching correctly, but neither the headings nor the “all items” labels – they are always taken from the original German version.

    No clou how Javier got this fixed, but for me it does not work.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    Can you email me your logins so I can take a look?


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    send you login info yesterday via email, hope you received it!


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    I just logged in and yes it does not appear to be working as planned.

    After writing a very long post with screenshots etc… I realised it is something very simple – you are using a really old version of WPML.

    If only we had known this at the start it would have saved weeks of headache…!

    Once you update I’m sure everything will work as hoped.


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