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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Translate Filter PRO & Integration to Elementor Page Builder

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    How i can translate text in Filter PRO?

    For ex. “Found 8 Results” translate to “Znaleziono 8 wyników”

    “Page 1 of 1” to “Strona 1 z 1”

    With Loco translate plugin i can’t translate it 🙁

    In the future, we can make integration with the popular Elementor Page Builder?

    I have a Developer license and I look forward to a good support


    e-mail for reply –

    Trevor Moderator

    The next major release, V3 (some months away yet) has support for addon extensions to help us (or third parties) to build support for page builders. We made a trial of this in V2.3.2 when we added support for a Visual Composer addon, but others will come.

    If you are using the Shortcode Display results method, those strings are in the results.php template. The customising guide is here:

    You simply edit the strings in that file.

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