Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Track Searches


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  • Anonymous

    My client is interested in tracking what site visitors are searching for using the Search & Filter Pro drop down menus. Does anyone know if this is possible??

    Many thanks


    Not from our plugin, no. It may be that tracking software offered by others would do this for your client.

    Ross Moderator

    This is on the long term roadmap though 🙂


    Great, thanks guys. I’ll look around and if I find something that works, I’ll post it back here.


    I wanted to follow up on this.

    I was able to track drop down menu clicks through Google Analytics Event Tracking. There’s a bunch of tutorials on how to set this up in Google Analytics. Then I added this code to my custom javascript file:

    if (typeof(ga) !== 'undefined') { // Check if Google Analytics is Loaded
        $(document).on('change', '.blog .sf-input-select', function(event){
            ga('send','event','Blog Filter Searches','click', $(this).children(':selected').text() );

    ‘Blog Filter Searches’ is the Event Category in Analytics
    ‘click’ is the Event Action
    The last bit after 'click' sends the name of the option as the Event Label

    This only tracks each click, so it doesn’t track what filters were searched for in combination with each other.


    Cool. Can I close this thread?



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