Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro The plugin doesn’t reset the search

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Luis this is your problem then.

    When the field is getting cleared this means that S&F cannot find a template with that name in your theme folder.

    If you are using a child theme try copying the template over in to that folder. Also make sure the template name has the full file path, so if it is in a sub folder, include that too.

    If you are using a woocommerce template, then this needs to be copied over from the woocommercce plugin folder to your theme.



    Brilliant! It is working now.
    Thank you so much for all the help Ross.


    Ross Moderator

    Ah great thats good to hear 🙂

    Can I ask, which problem were you having and how did you fix it? (it will help me with other support requests)



    Hey Ross,

    I just had to point the plugin to the template file, which by default is `woocommerce/archive-product.php”.

    Once i’ve done that it started to work beautifully.

    Thanks again.

    Ross Moderator

    Great thanks for the feedback Luis 🙂


    Ross, i’ve found a few issues with the way filters are interacting with each other. I’ll try to document this in a clear way and will open a new issue about it.


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