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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro The filter isn't filtering any more in S&F Pro.

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  • Philip Martin
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Philip Martin

    Hi Ross,
    nice to see you back.

    I know you’re busy, but any chance you could have a look at this please?
    It’s a bit frustrating that I can get the more advanced features to work, but not the absolute basic one, a search form 🙁

    Just to recap as this is a long post, the search form ISN’T returning any suggestions, but IS producing the correct results, but the results that are returned aren’t formatted, like they are when using a filter.

    I think I see a bug in that the search template isn’t being saved sometimes, or at least it’s not visible in the form after being saved.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Philip!

    Glad to be back 😉

    I think the problem is the template then. Your search results should always be shown in the same format no matter what you do – so this is what I would suggest:

    1) I know you are using some crazy (!) combination of search forms integrated together (this is probably whats causing so much confusion) so first I suggest you look at all of these and make sure their settings are matching. By this I mean the “display results” tab in the “defaults & settings” box. If you have one search form that works how you want then use this as a base. The latest update also adds a “duplicate” option (right next to the edit button) which might help with copying forms and their settings.

    2) If your custom template is not saving, this actually means S&F could not find it… really it should show an error (will be added in an update) – but when it is not saved it means your template cannot be found – so try other filenames of templates. The filenames must be relative to your current theme folder (if it is a child theme then the template files must reside there) and the filename would simply be something like archive.php.

    Let me know when you’ve followed the above and if you have any questions.


    Philip Martin

    Hi Ross,
    thanks for getting back to me.

    I only actually have, and have always had, 1 search form, the one on my test page that isn’t working. This is the one I am referring to throughout this conversation.
    (I do have 3 filter drop downs on my home page, but I don’t have an issue with them, they work perfectly now. Initially I had them combined into 1 form, maybe this is what you are thinking of?, but the form itself was horrible looking, and separating them looks so much better. )

    I use a custom template (search.php) to display the results from the 3 filters, and they all display correctly since (but only since) I added it, but I notice that it isn’t showing in their forms either.
    Obviously I already tried this template with the search form.

    I know it’s possible, other users on here do it the way I want. A box you type in that suggests, and returns, relevant results.
    I feel there’s something simple missing, but what?


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    PS, you could ask your theme developer, how to show the regular wordpress search results (not this plugin) on the normal template, and not on the search template – that advice might come in useful for here 🙂

    Philip Martin

    Hi Ross,
    OK, thanks again for your time on this, I will ask the developers if they can offer any insight.

    Unfortunately, I had to remove the single filter form you created, it didn’t work properly on the home page, the drop down didn’t extend below the bottom of the container, so you couldn’t see much, or indeed anything, for the lowest filter.
    I put it on the test page, it works perfectly there, typical!

    I’ll get back to you when I have an update, probably after the weekend.

    Philip Martin

    all this talk about the display of the results, forgot about the suggestions not working, any update on that?
    Thank you,

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Philip

    I’m not sure what you mean about suggestions, you mean when a user starts typing?

    This plugin doesn’t provide that functionality (yet).

    Also, in regards to the widget sidebar – there was an overflow problem but I thought I fixed this with CSS (I added some styles to style.css) – I *think* you could have left it there, you just needed to clear your cache (that might not be 100% true)!


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