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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro The filter isn't filtering any more in S&F Pro.

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Philip – currently there are no search suggestions – so either this is your browser doing this, or another plugin.

    In regards to the rest – I have your login details somewhere on email, I’ll try to login tomorrow and get this sorted.


    Philip Martin

    Hi Ross,
    great, thanks.

    I know you’re really busy at the minute, but one other thing 🙂

    Is there any better way (since the update) to only show live deals? At present, it is counting and showing all deals, even expired ones, which obviously is not good.

    I still have the code I removed from the Functions file, it started giving errors. It predates 1.3, so maybe something changed that affected it?
    It did work perfectly when you gave to me at the start.

    Cheers again,

    Ross Moderator

    I’m trying to include that functionality in the next update 😉

    Philip Martin

    great news, I can’t wait.
    Thank you,

    Philip Martin

    Hi Ross
    thanks for 1.4, another great update to my favourite plugin. It solves some of my previous issues nicely.

    Regarding #9169 above (4 up), how would I find out what’s causing it? If it is the browser, does that mean it’s only me seeing it, or did you see it too?

    Thank you

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Philip 🙂

    Is this about the dates?

    I added a feature in which may help, but I have one concern after implementing it and reading the sample code I gave you again.

    Essentially, now you have this feature built in to S&F Pro…

    So goto the “Settings & Defaults” meta box, click on the “Post Meta” tab…

    Here you can add restrictions to your search form.


    • “+ Add a Condition”
    • In the first dropdown choose your meta key – the one that is being used for dates
    • The second dropdown should be set to “date”
    • The Third dropdown should be “greater than or equal”
    • And then on the 4th field tick “Current Date”
    • Save your search form 🙂

    This is the feature you require, however to work properly the date must be stored as YYYYMMDD in your database… I fear that yours are stored like YYYY-MM-DD ? The hyphens may prevent this feature from working… :/

    Let me know


    Philip Martin

    Hey Ross,
    no, it’s not about the dates, I had already done everything you said above (everything’s very intuitive) as soon as I updated to 1.4 and it works a treat, thanks so much.

    It’s about the search from, if you see the post I referenced, you had a few ideas but I don’t know where to go from here to solve it.

    Thanks again,

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Philip

    One thing to check, do you have the feature “autocount” (beta) enabled? Try disabling this.

    Then would you be able to provide me a link of the problem you are describing?


    Philip Martin
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    Ross Moderator
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