Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Taxonomy Template Form

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  • Anonymous


    We have a custom post type called FAQ. That post type has a taxonomy called Faq Categories.

    At the moment we have a standard WordPress page set up with the shortcode & results shortcode from our form using ajax. This is working fine. We have styled our results.php file how we want.

    However, we also want to display the same form and results style on our custom taxonomy template but obviously only show results for the current tern. eg.

    faq_category/financial shows only the financial results with the a, using ajax, and our results.php styling / layout.

    Is it possible to have the form limit the results to just the current term and use Ajax?




    I your case, you can only do this if the Display Results method is Post Type Archive. There would also need to be some settings that need making and also that faq category is in the form, even if it is hidden from view by your own custom css.

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    You would probably need these settings checked (see screenshots and the highlighted sections. Note that set like this, you would be using the category archive templates:

    And, as I said, the taxonomy itself must be in the form, even if you then use custom CSS to hide it.


    hi Trevor,

    We have set the settings up as suggested and also added the taxonomy. We haven’t hid it just yet to ensure it is working properly before we do, but now we have no results displaying at all. Has archive is set top true on the post type and we have read the Post Type Archive page in the documentation but are still unable to get results to show?



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