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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sync selection between two S&F filters on the same page

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  • Mitchel van Eijgen

    I’ve these to filters on the same page, one is a quick filter to filter between different types of content and the other is a much more advanced version with a lot more options. But of course there are duplicates, because I don’t want the visitor to have to move up and down to use the filter as a whole.

    Is there a way to sync the two selections between the different S&F sears h forms?


    Trevor Moderator

    Only by you writing some custom JavaScript to trigger somehow on when one field changes and update the other.

    Mitchel van Eijgen

    Thanks Trevor I’ll look in to it.

    Mitchel van Eijgen

    Ah I see if you disable the whole Ajax reloading the feature I want just works. I’m going to do some more research to see what I want and how much time to spend on this.

    Trevor Moderator

    OK. Let me know how you get on? I will leave the thread open for you to reply on.

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