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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Support for ACF filtering

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  • Nemanja Radevic

    Hello, i setup a website using yootheme builder

    and for some reason i don t know how to setup the fildes for my Advaced custom fields pro

    i purchased your pplugin because on demo i saw oyu had filters

    can these filters work with advanced custom fields plugin and have dropdowns with the custom fields from advanced custom fields?

    Trevor Moderator

    Please see this screenshot of an example form in the admin form editor, looking at the Form UI section at the bottom:

    Note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this:

    #1 _suburb
    #2 field_5c1e1ebf30ae7
    #3 suberb

    You need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2. For range sliders, it is not obvious when this mistake has been made.

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