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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro submit on return, autocomplete

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Michael Ware

    Hello again,
    Still working on a site the relies heavily on SFPro for real estate listings and results and have 2 requests from a client that I’m not sure how to answer.

    1) Is there an autocomplete function similar to Google or is there another plugin that will easily integrate with SFP to do that? I’ve seen the suggestion made but I don’t know if that has been implemented.

    2) Can the form submit on hitting return instead of clicking “submit”?


    Trevor Moderator

    1. Autocomplete is coming (I think) in the next release (soon). I always make any select boxes I have comboboxes as this has a nice type and show choices matching feather (in the S&F main plugin settings I use the Select 2 combo box script).

    2. Does it not do this anyway? The issue is for mobile users. If you have both reset and submit buttons, this might be an issue. Or if you have only a reset button.

    Michael Ware

    Got it. Thanks for the feedback Trevor.

    Trevor Moderator

    This is resolved now? Can I close the thread?

    Michael Ware

    If you have any suggestions about autocomplete plugins (WP or jQuery) that would integrate nicely, that would be great. Otherwise, yes, feel free to close.

    Trevor Moderator


    I do not have any suggestions, other than to search the forum for autocomplete. I seem to recall a recent thread where someone got it working. I will close this thread then.

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