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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Stylizing the Search and Filter Headings

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Kathryn Dziurzynski

    I apologize in advance if this is so amateur but how do I customize the search and filter headings?

    I want to change how “Search / Maker / Model, etc.) display


    Trevor Moderator


    You will need some Custom CSS. You can either code this yourself and add the Custom CSS, which, if you don’t have a custom css feature in your theme will also require more coding or a Custom Css plugin (for example Simple Custom CSS), or you can use a nifty plugin like SO-CSS.

    That is free and allows you to select the parts of the site you want to change, and make and apply the changes.

    If you go down the route of Custom CSS, let me know and I can write the CSS for you!! All you have to do is install the Simple Custom CSS plugin, or use the Custom CSS feature from your theme if it has one.

    Kathryn Dziurzynski

    I believe I have custom CSS via the theme options, but I have also installed the plugin Simple CSS. That would be awesome if you could help me with the CSS! How do we get started?

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you want to change:

    Font face – currently Crimson Text
    Color – currently #ae895d
    Font-size – currently 22px
    Font weight – currently 400

    or what, and if so, to what?

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Kathryn

    Is this now sorted? Can I close the thread?

    Kathryn Dziurzynski

    Hi – things have been crazy! I apologize for not responding sooner

    could it be:

    labels uppercase, lato typeface (reg.) white, size 18px
    search button inline with all other buttons on website (white text, button = white border)
    text within the input fields, could “search…” and “all terms” be made the same size?

    also in safari the dropdown treatments are way different — is there a way to make them the same? How it displays in chrome – “flat” design?


    Trevor Moderator

    Hi, the setting of select boxes etc are fixed by the OS/Browser.

    The rest I will look at in the morning,as it is late here.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Kathryn

    This somehow dropped out of my ‘to do’ list. Can we don this using something like Skype? It will be way faster if we can conference using share screens. I will add my details as a separate private reply.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
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