Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Styling of horizontal search bar

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  • Anonymous

    Hi and thanks for a great search plugin. I have 2 questions.

    1. I wonder if you could steer me in the right direction for styling. Right now it does not look good and we are trying with custom CSS with not real luck. We are using one horizontal and also vertical search bar in a sidebar.

    I went through your forum and it looks you are working in some style templates. Is this happening any time soon?

    2. Have you got any tips of how to make the search results page look a bit better with the option of filtering results to further help users find what they are after. Do you have shortcodes we could use. We use S&F with Woocommerce products only and would like the result page looks similar to a woosearch and have 3 or 4 columns with thumbnails and a short description.

    I am happy to invest in any other of your plugins or addons if needed.

    Thanks for your help.

    Alberto Nilsson

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Alberto

    To answer your questions:

    1) Modifying the look of S&F should be just the same as with anything using CSS – although, you must be aware the order the CSS is loaded in, if CSS from your theme is loaded after CSS from Search & Filter then its really easy, if it is the other way round then you might need to add !important to your CSS rules.

    Info on horizontal can be found here:

    2) To get S&F results to look like woocommerce results we must use some of the templates from woocommerce – mainly the “archive-product.php” template, as well as manually adding the woocommerce classes to the body tag – check some similar topics with this info:

    I am planning a release where S&F will work directly on the products page 😉


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