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Viewing 9 posts - 21 through 29 (of 29 total)
  • wpdv
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    Ross Moderator

    They effectively share the same data, so only delete the folder via FTP of the unused one – the rest should fine.

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    Ross Moderator

    It looks like you have a script which fades the images in on page load.

    When you fetch the results via ajax, they are loaded in, but the script to fade the images in is not executed.

    Check the first question here on how to detect new results in S&F:

    This would be where you should load your fade in scripts – alternatively you could try disabling the fade in effect on your site globally.

    Hope that helps!

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    Ross Moderator
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Viewing 9 posts - 21 through 29 (of 29 total)

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