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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Store Page Description Not Displaying

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 29 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    OK, I understand, I think Ross will pick this back up later today or tomorrow, I hope 🙂

    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Ta daa (take a look at your shop)

    I figured it is an issue with S&F and WooCommerce.

    When on the initial shop page, S&F sets pagination to 1 which is correct.

    However, it looks like WooCommerce looks at the pagination and says, if it is not set, show the description.

    Anyway, I made it so for shops, we follow the WooCommerce convention of not setting pagination to 1 on the first page.


    That was hard to track down…!


    AWESOME Ross! Thank you for tracking down this issue and fixing it. You’re the man!

    Ross Moderator


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    Ross Moderator

    When you disable S&F does it re-appear? It sounds like the same thing, but S&F wouldn’t be setting pagination either on those pages now thanks to the latest fix :/


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    Ross Moderator

    Hey again…

    Ok so if you delete the plugin via the WP plugins page – pressing “delete”, you will get a warning from WP that deleting the plugin will also delete all its data –

    Search & Filter Pro by Designs & Code (will also delete its data)

    All good plugins tidy up properly after themselves and delete their own data.. so I’m guessing this is what happened?

    Before I work on peoples sites I generally create backups so this is why the previous version was in there – easy to revert to incase we had new issues with the new updates…

    Sorry for the confusion.

    I’ve just emailed you the latest version with your fix in it – I guess you would have to recreate your search form in this case.

    Hope you get on ok

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