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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Still getting double results on infinite scroll


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  • Lewis dodkins
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Lewis

    So I took a look and found some settings that needed updating.

    I changed the ajax container to .products and then the result selector to: div.product

    This seems to fix the issue, but creates a new issue – the loading icon is messed up…

    I see your theme is using an !important css rule, to force the width of the loader to 100% (using !important is generally not great practise as its hard to customise).

    Anyway, to fix the new CSS issue, you can add this CSS to your theme:

        width: 30px !important

    And it should fix it for you.

    Let me know how you get on.


    Lewis dodkins

    Hi Ross,

    Thanks for the assistance. Very annoying that Flatsome have all those “!important” rules in their default css stylesheet! The css code you provided wasn’t correctly overriding the main theme’s css, so I had to override the file in the child theme and change the value there. Seems to have fixed the massive loader icon and all is working perfectly now!

    On another note… did you recently fix an issue with the dropdown category counts not updating on ajax filtering? I seem to remember before the counts weren’t updating on filter which is why I was using a wider css selector for the ajax container but they seem to be okay now.

    Many thanks,

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Lewis

    Regarding the counts… I don’t think I saw the issue.

    A couple of things I could have done (it’s hard to recall the exact changes):

    1) Enable ‘auto count’ in the general settings tab
    2) Update the results URL in the ‘display results’ tab

    If either of these were not setup correctly that could cause the issue you mention.

    I also changed the selector to something more narrow as you mentioned – it’s not recommended to have the search form inside the Ajax container.

    Apart from that I’m not too sure what it could be (unless the cache had not finished rebuilding perhaps).

    Anyway glad you are setup for now, let me know if that issue resurfaces.


    Lewis dodkins

    Yeah, it was quite a while ago that I had the issue. I’ve had the wide ajax container for some time now. Must have just been something I’d set up wrong.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your assistance!

    Lewis dodkins

    By the way – Trevor mentioned a new version of S&F that will allow me to put parts of the filter on other parts of the page. When is that expected to be released?

    This is the kind of thing I’m trying to achieve, where the 2 filters on the sidebar and top right are linked.

    I’ve done it on that page by hiding / showing some of the dropdowns on the S&F filter at each point. SO there’s 2 of the same shortcode on one page. This obviously isn’t working as expected though and they don’t actually join together at all.


    Lewis dodkins

    Sorry guys, there seems to be an issue now with the auto count.

    It’s all filtering properly, but the counts next to each category just say (0).


    Do you know what could be the cause?


    Lewis dodkins
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Lewis dodkins

    Hi guys, any update on this issue?

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