Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sticky posts showing up when filtering a category the post is not in

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  • Anonymous


    On this site:

    We have stickied a post that shows up first, but when we filter on a category the post is not in, we want it to dissapear.

    How to do this?


    That would appear to be our standard method of handling ‘sticky’ posts. I will need to refer this to the plugin developer, Ross, to see if there is a way around it.


    Thank you, I’m sure we could do some filter or something.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Sigurd

    After scratching my head I managed to figure out the issue.

    We perform our search outside of the regular WP_Query, so if you choose a category in our search form, WP doesn’t actually “know” its restrciting to a specific category, because our search does that, so WP appends the stick post…

    I’ve managed to come up with some code, that add the WP category to the WP_Query (even though our plugin has already restricted the posts to this category), but now WP also knows that at a category restriction is happening, and excludes the sticky:

    add_filter("sf_edit_query_args", "add_wp_category_to_query", 100, 2);
    function add_wp_category_to_query($query_args, $sfid){
    	//if($sfid == 1234){ //you can restrict this behaviour to a search form ID
    	//get user category selection from the search form (ie, detect which categories have been selected)
    	global $searchandfilter;
    	$query_data = $searchandfilter->get($sfid)->current_query();
    	$query_data_array = $query_data->get_array();
    		$category_values = $query_data_array['_sft_category']['active_terms'];
    		$current_category_ids = array(); //this will contain all the IDs of the categories that have been selected in the search form
    		foreach($category_values as $category){
    			array_push($current_category_ids, $category['id']);
    		//restrict query to WP category
    		$query_args['category__in'] = $current_category_ids;
    	return $query_args;

    As there may be some small overhead when implementing this code, you can uncomment the first if( line, and restrict this to a specific search form / query.

    I hope that makes sense & works!



    I have the same issue as the original author but sadly the function @Ross posted isn’t working and the sticky post is still showing despite being “filtered out”.

    Did something about the plugin change to make that function no longer work?


    Could you contact us through our new support system, and please refer to this forum post in your message?


    Will do, thanks Trevor!

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