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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Step state in 2.0, decimals possible?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • David Richardson

    Hello Ross,

    I was wondering if there is a way to for us to make a quick edit to allow decimals in the step feature of the range and number slider. We can now search for decimals with 2.0, but it does not appear we can search for these decimals with a decimal step-state.


    Ross Moderator

    Hmm I’ll have a look – I did want to add that as a feature and its not too hard I’m sure – once I get 2.0 out of the door I’ll poke around to see how doable it is.


    Damian Cox

    Hi all,

    Just wondering whether there’s been any progress on decimals in the step?

    We’ve noticed that manually entering a decimal number in an input range field produces the correct results, but the entered decimals are cleared once the results load.

    Ross Moderator

    This feature is out later on today 🙂

    Damian Cox

    Wow, thanks! Can’t wait.

    Ross Moderator

    Looks like tomorrow now, just need to do some final testing


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Damian

    The release is not ready just yet (I need to add a couple more things) but I emailed you the dev version if you want to try it with this in.

    I’ll not be back on support & development until the 4th now in case you needed this feature now!


    Ross Moderator

    This is live now in 2.1 🙂


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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