Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Start to Finish Setup exactly like in Demo

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  • Trevor

    Hi Ryan

    I think this very much abridged results.php file is all you need:

     * Search & Filter Pro 
     * Sample Results Template
     * @package   Search_Filter
     * @author    Ross Morsali
     * @link
     * @copyright 2018 Search & Filter
     * Note: these templates are not full page templates, rather 
     * just an encaspulation of the your results loop which should
     * be inserted in to other pages by using a shortcode - think 
     * of it as a template part
     * This template is an absolute base example showing you what
     * you can do, for more customisation see the WordPress docs 
     * and using template tags - 
    if ( $query->have_posts() )
    	while ($query->have_posts())
    		if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    			<p><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail("small"); ?></a></p>
    		<hr />
    	echo "No Results Found";

    It might cause you some CSS issues, I am not sure. However, much of the CSS you wrote to hide stuff would not be needed.

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