Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro sql requests from search-filter-pro plugin slowing down site

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  • Anonymous


    i see that the search and filter plugin has slow SQL requests. anything i can do to improve it?

    see my query monitor:


    With regard to speed, setting aside the number of field terms and posts (the more of these there are, the slower things will be), then your server is the thing to look at. Traditional hosting servers are frequently not configured to handle the data requests between the CPU, various caches and the disk drive. This is not a criticism of such hosting, they meet a need for most users. But, when you have large datasets, you may need to consider (potentially) more expensive hosting if you wish/need to avoid the speed/response issues. I am loath to make recommendations, but can, privately, if you wish. There is only one specialist who operate at the very top end of performance though, and, not unexpectedly, they are also not inexpensive. That would be Kinsta.

    Because search results are dynamic, using a CDN for the results pages will also slow the process down, as they will not have a cache of the particular results requested.


    hi trevor.

    i’m not using a cdn. and my server is doing fine because there are no signs of the server overloading.

    also, don’t you find it odd that search and filter plugin is loading all these posts on the homepage when there is no search result on the homepage? why does it do that?

    shouldn’t search and filter only start loading posts once a query is started?


    Search and Filter will perform a query IF the archive (posts list) on the page is controlled by a form even if a search has not (yet) been performed, as the form has two functions; to search and to filter (the form can be used to simply pre-filter posts).

    Is a form setup to control the posts list on the Home Page?


    hi trevor. thanks for helping me through this. there is no post list for search and filter to control on the home page. all of the post lists that search and filter and control redirect to other pages such as:

    those pages take a long time to load too. and i can understand why they take a long time if they are sorting through 8000 posts.

    however i still don’t see anywhere over 50% load of memory or cpu on my server. so i still don’t know why any pages would be slow unless the plugin has some slow functions or doesn’t work well with any of my other plugins.

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    Hi Trevor. Thanks That sped up the site by a lot! Where did you find this form and why is it affecting the site so much?



    Hi Trevor. Just kidding, the site loads slow again. Any other ideas? I’ve extended the temp login access.

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