Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro SQL error on new post

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  • Trevor

    Ah, you must use ftp or an equivalent (like cPanel’s File manager). Please follow these manual installation instructions:

    1) Deactivate S&F in WP Admin Plugins page (do not delete, otherwise you will lose your search forms)
    2) Via FTP, delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content/plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file that I sent to you.
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder to the wp-content/plugins folder on your server.

    Let me know how you get on?


    Works like a charm! Thanks!
    * you forget “5) activate plugin” and “6) thank Trevor”. But those are obvious steps 😉

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