Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sorting in Danish

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  • Anonymous

    Hello. I´m using your super plugin on
    I´m on a Danish site and we have some extra characters.

    Sorting the posts alfabetic after titel places Æ (ae) just after A. It should be after Z.
    What can I do?

    1) Alle Guds elskede døtre og sønner
    2) Alt kommer væltende
    3) Alting rimer i nat
    4) Alting skabtes ud af intet
    5) Arabiske sandaler
    6) Æselmanden
    7) Biler dytter, klokker ringer

    Kind regards

    Danish alfabet
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å


    Ah, we are encumbered by sorting orders that are in the core software; PHP and SQL.

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