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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sorting by Meta Values

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  • Stefano Aracena

    Hi Trevor

    We had a problem where our taxonomy archive posts were not being sorted.
    We found that the main query was done with SQL, so we created a custom query which we are now using instead 🙂

    Now the sort by is working but we’ve noticed that when a meta value is selected such as “Average Rating”, the sort only returns posts that have that meta value set and excludes all the posts that do not. We would like to know whether we can include all posts in the sort at all times.

    Any advice on this?

    Trevor Moderator

    This behaviour cannot be changed in the current version of the plugin. When you sort on a meta key, and posts that have no value in that key will be excluded. The only way to avoid this is to make sure you always have a value in the meta key. So, for example, if you have ratings from 0-5, you could have a default of -1.

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